I am a programmer at heart who thrives on talking to and working with professional software developers to research, create, and deploy new tools that help them be more effective and efficient.
Five things you should know about me
I am at my best bringing new ideas to life, be it in pursuing unique research questions, designing and implementing innovative approaches to teaching, or figuring out how to advance my department, school, or research community.
I prefer partnering with others, be it students, software professionals, colleagues, or anyone else. Working together is not just more fun, it is much more creative, effective, and meaningful.
I consider myself fortunate in working at UC Irvine, an amazing university with fantastic students and colleagues. The breadth of perspectives, experiences, and ideas is invigorating.
I want my research to carry meaning when I talk to software professionals. As such, much of my research directly involves alumni and others in the profession to address real-world problems with solutions that could be deployed into real-world settings.
I greatly benefited from and am deeply appreciative of the advice many have given me over the years. In my mentoring of others, I can only hope to be as inspirational as those who generously mentored me.
​André van der Hoek is a Professor in the Department of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine, where he heads the Software Design and Collaboration Laboratory (SDCL), which focuses on understanding and advancing the roles of design, collaboration, and education in software engineering. He is co-author of 'Software Design Decoded: 66 Ways Experts Think' and co-editor of 'Studying Professional Software Design: a Human-Centric Look at Design Work', two books that detail the expert practices of professional software designers.
He has authored and co-authored over 150 peer-reviewed journal and conference publications and has served the research community in many different roles, including as PC Chair of FSE 2010, PC Co-Chair of ICSE 2014, and member of the Editorial Board of TOSEM (2008-2014). He was recognized as an ACM Distinguished Scientist in 2013 and in 2009 received the Premier Award for Excellence in Engineering Education Courseware.​
At UC Irvine, André was Chair of Informatics from 2011-2021, a time during which he led the department through strategic growth in all aspects (programs, faculty, students, staff, budget). He also served in various roles at the campus level and most recently took up the position of Associate Dean of Academic Affairs (2023-present) in the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences. He is the principal designer of the B.S. in Informatics at UC Irvine and was honored, in 2005, as UC Irvine Professor of the Year for his outstanding and innovative educational contributions.
André holds a joint B.S. and M.S. degree in Business-Oriented Computer Science from Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Colorado at Boulder.